Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Balasan Allah :kita boleh lihat di dunia.....

gua terbaca satu artikel di blog : tertarik dengan satu komen yang diberi oleh seorang pembaca dengan nickname "glocal"..

ia takde kaitan dengan tajuk,tapi berkait rapat dengan anwar ibrahim...

ia merupakan komen berbahasa inggeris,nak terjemah panjang sangat,jadi bagi yang tidak fasih berbahasa inggeris anda boleh copy salinan kat bawah,pergi ke google dan klik language tool
..anda akan mendapat terjermahannya..

ini dia......

Well, Anwar may not be able to receive justice from the Malaysian courts. But Anwar certainly seems to be receiving justice from some other higher power even though it may be delayed.

And let us go through the list.

Ummi Hafilda Ali, one of the main players in the Anwar conspiracy, was disowned by her father before he died. Ummi’s father is of course also Azmin Ali’s father so we have it on good authority this is so. What fate do you think awaits a daughter disowned by her father and who died before he could forgive her for the sin she did to Anwar?

Azizan Abu Bakar, Ummi’s partner-in-crime and the one who accused Anwar of sodomy and later retracted his allegation, in turn crashed his car, which resulted in his wife’s death. He was then later arrested for khalwat (close proximity) and sentenced to six months jail.

Aziz Shamsuddin, the head conspirator, too crashed his car and his wife too died. It was reported that when they took her body to hospital they discovered a cheque for RM3 million on her body, which was a bribe for a contract he had awarded a Chinese company. Everyone has to die one day, but dying with dirty money on your body is a terrible way to go.

And we all know what happened to the Attorney-General then who was in charge of fixing Anwar’s trials. He lingered in a one-year coma after falling down and hitting his head when he suffered a stroke.

The doctors at the Subang Medical Centre had to cut open his skull to relief the swelling on the brain but they could not sew it back because of the swelling. The skull finally had to be taped with plaster to prevent the brain from falling out.

When he finally died, his head had shrunk and those who saw him at the time of his death said that his head looked like a monkey’s head. How befitting someone who did not use his brain when he was alive and who ‘monkeyed’ around with the justice system!

Remember Dr Ristina Majid, another conspirator? She was pissed drunk while her niece, who she had been entrusted to baby sit, drowned in the swimming pool. Her father too disowned her and he died without forgiving her for what she did to Anwar.

Dr Ristina herself died of a stroke while in a conference in Jakarta and she went to her grave without her father’s forgiveness. She in fact wanted to marry Aziz Shamuddin but he did not want her. And Azizan Abu Bakar was for a while employed by her as her driver.


ringkasnya,pasa lummi hafilda,ayah dia tidak mengaku dia sebagai anak sehingga lah saat kematian bapanya..jadi,hidpnya sekarang adalah langsung tiada keredhaan bapanya.

azizah abu bakar,mengalami kemalangan kemudian istrinya mati dan dia kemudiannya dipenjara keraja kes khalwat..

aziz samsudin,juga kemalangan dan istrinya turut mati.dilaporkan telah dijumpai cek bernilai 3 juta dalam poketnya..mati dalam keadaan wang kotor di atas badan..

pendek kata,semua mereka telah mendapat balasan awal ,nyata...kita lihat anwar,beliau hanya dipenjara selama 6 tahun,dan sekarang mampu hidup dengan bahagia..itulah,tuhan itu maha berkuasa..allahuakhbar..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yang lain tak de ceteke

musa hasan,rahim nor,mahathir dll yg terlibat


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